説教あらすじ 「福音を説く(3)」 (04/08/2024)
◆悪魔の誘惑 [創世記3:1-6]
・ここで蛇(悪魔)は木の実を用いて「3つの領域」において人を誘惑している。(6節) ①食べるのに良さそう ②目に慕わしい ③賢くしてくれそう 現代でも私たちが神を見失い『罪』に陥るのは、同様の誘惑による。
①悪魔が私たちを誘惑してくる「3つの領域」とは何ですか? あなたの弱点は特にどの領域でしょう?
②神の方法は、悪魔の策略とどのように違いますか? また、それはどうしてだと思いますか?
③神は私たちのどのような『応答』を欲しておられるでしょう? それはあなたの今日の歩みにどう影響しますか?
Outline of the sermon “Preach the Gospel (3)” (04/08/2024)
*God desires our “absolute trust” which the devil absolutely hate it!
◆Satan, the tempter & accuser. [Genesis 3:1-6]
・Here we can see the serpent tempting Eve in “three areas”.(Verse 6) ①Good to eat. ②Delight to the eyes. ③Desired to make one wise. The devil still uses the same scheme to tempt us into “sins”.
・Even though God knows it is easier to lead us in the same way, God doesn’t do it because such way is against His
character (James 1:13). God desires us to overcome the temptation and make the right choice as “His likeness”.
◆God’s way.
①God knows that we can grow in our faith and knowledge, so He waits for us to grow.
②God created us as “a special creature” to see “the unseen”(ⅡCorinthians 4:18). So He stays patient with expectation.
③God is giving us room to “make a choice for Him” with our love and freewill. [ⅠJohn 2:15-17]
・God sent His Son, Jesus, “to destroy the works of the devil(ⅠJohn 3:8)” and “to make us known His love(Romans 5:8)”.
Now there is only right response to His love for us which is: “Absolute trust and obedience out of our true love”.
Today’s main point
Respond to “God’s love” with our “trust and obedience”.
*Today’s key words: “YUUWAKU”(Temptation), “SEICHO SURU”(Grow), “NINTAI”(Patience).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What are “the three areas” the devil tends to tempt us? Which is your “weakest point”?
②What are differences between “God’s way” and “Satan’s way”? Why do you think they are different like that?
③What is our “desirable response” for God? By knowing this, how do we want to change our attitude to God?