
説教あらすじ    「福音を説く(5)」    (18/08/2024)


◆『御子イエス』に現された、神の性質 [へブル1:3]

 ①神の力と権威[マタイ8:23-27]  ②心をご覧になる方(罪を赦す権威)[マルコ2:5-8]  ③愛と憐れみ[マタイ8:1-3] ④イスラエルに対する執着[ルカ13:34]  ⑤ご自身の証言[ヨハネ14:8-9]

 ・これだけイエスを通して『神の性質』がはっきり現されたのにもかかわらず、イエスを「まことの神の子」と信じる者は少なかった。主な理由は「神が人の姿で現れるはずがない」という先入観と、もう1つは… [マタイ16:13-17]


 ・イエスは「父が引き寄せてくださらなければ…」とおっしゃった。[ヨハネ6:44] 神は「本当に見ようとする者」にしか見出すことができないようにしておられる。[マタイ13:13-17] しかし「熱心に捜す者は見つける」とも約束しておられる。[箴言8:17,エレミヤ29:12-14]

 ・神は私たちの救いを望んでおられる。[Ⅰテモテ2:4] だからあきらめずに福音を宣べ伝えよう![ローマ10:9-14]







Outline of the sermon  “Preach the Gospel (5)”  (18/08/2024)

*We cannot understand “who God is” unless He reveals himself to us.  But He does reveal himself because He want to.  He reveals to those who earnestly seek Him because He sees our heart.

God’s divine nature revealed in Christ. [Hebrews1:3]

 ①God’s power & authority. [Matthew 8:23-27]  ②Looking at our hearts. [Mark 2:5-8]  ③Love & mercy.

   [Matthew 8:1-3] ④Attachment to Israelites. [Luke13:34]  ⑤Witness of himself. [John14:8-9]

 ・Only few people believed that Jesus was “the Son of God” even though “God’s divine nature” was revealed through the life of Jesus.  Why?  Because they had a prejudice that “God would never become a man”.

Why some believe and others don’t[Matthew16:13-17]

 ・Jesus said, “Unless the Father draws them…”[John6:44]  God can be found only by those who earnestly seek Him.  [Matthew13:13-17]  At the same time God promises that those who seek Him from bottom of their hearts would  find Him. [Proverbs 8:17,Jeremiah 29:12-14]

 ・God desires all people will be saved. [ⅠTimothy 2:4]  So, never cease from preaching the gospel![Romans10:9-14]

Today’s main point

It is not “I believe when I understand”, but “You understand if you believe”!

Todays key words:KEN I”(Authority), “SHUU CHAKU”(Inner attachment), “SHOUGEN”(Witness).

Questions to ponder on:

 ①What kind of “God’s nature” can we see through Christ?

 ②Why God doesn’t reveal himself to us unless we seek him from the bottom of our hearts?

 ③Why do we still preach the gospel even though our hard work wouldn’t make people to believe?


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