説教あらすじ 「福音を説く(4)」 (11/08/2024)
◆『いのち』とは? [ヨハネ10:10,14:6,ローマ6:23]
・私たちは『神の作品』。[エペソ2:10] 神の目的にふさわしく造られている。この『良い行い』というのはいわゆる「善行」のことではない。「良いお方」が私たち1人1人にふさわしく用意してくださったわざだから『良い行い』。
・イエスは単に「神との関係を修復するため」に来ただけでなく、ご自身が『いのちそのもの』。[Ⅰヨハネ5:12] 彼はご自身を歓迎する者の人生に入って来られ[黙示録3:20]、決して私たちから離れることはない。[へブル13:5]
②神が私たち1人1人に与えておられる『本来の役割』とは? また、それをどうやって見出すことができますか?
Outline of the sermon “Preach the Gospel (4)” (11/08/2024)
*Last week we learnt how much God loved us so that we can respond to His love with our “trust and obedience”.
◆What is “Life”? [John10:10,14:6,Romans 6:23]
・Satan comes to “kill” but Jesus has come to give us “abundant life”. This “life” is not just “biological life” but “eternal life” which means, “living in an intimate relationship with God” being provided by God’s grace.
◆How different between “having life” and “no life”?
・We have “life” when we abide in “God, who is the source of life”. If we are not connected to this life, we are just like electrical products which contain no battery. It exists but is no use. Then what is our “primary use”?
・We are “workmanship of God”. [Ephesians 2:10] We are all created to fulfill His purpose (good works). Our God is “Good God” so all the works He prepared for us are “Very Good”!
・Jesus came not only “to fix our relationship with God” but also “to be ‘Life’ within us”. [ⅠJohn 5:12] He becomes “life” for whoever welcomes him. [Revelation 3:20] Those who live with him will never be alone, hopeless but live forever. [Hebrews13:5] “Eternal life” is not just “to go to heaven”, but “to live abundant life” now!
Today’s main point
“Eternal life” is: “Exciting life” living with Christ in the relationship with God.
*Today’s key words: “EIEN NO INOCHI”(Eternal life), “YOI OKONAI”(Good works), “YAKUWARI”(Role).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What kind of “life” does God give us through Christ Jesus?
②What are our “primary use” God has given each of us? How can we find them?
③What are main differences between “living with Christ as a Savior” and “living without Christ”?