説教あらすじ 「イエスに遣わされる」 (30/06/2024)
[ヨハネの福音書 20章21~23節]
①神がどのような方なのかを知らせるため ②人が本来どのように生きるべきかを示すため ③神と人との関係を回復させるため
①御子イエスがどのような方かを知らせるため ②人が本来どのように生きる者として造られたかを示すため
Outline of the sermon “Sent by Jesus” (30/06/2024)
[John 20:21~23]
◆3 reasons why Jesus is sending us.
・Jesus is sending us just as he was sent by the Father. Here are 3 reasons we should remind ourselves.
God sent His Son to the earth because: ①To show us who God is like. ②To teach us how we could
possibly live. ③To restore the relationship with us by his death and resurrection.
・Now here are 3 reasons why Jesus is sending us! ①To declare people who Jesus is. ②To show people
how human could possibly live. ③To guide people reconciling to God by being crucified with Jesus.
◆Demonstrate work of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
・None of these are possible for “men”. Jesus even told us to “forgive their sins”. It is far above our ability!
But think about it. All the tasks Jesus told us to do (including leading people to the salvation) are impossible
for men. This is why Jesus sent us “the Spirit of God” to each of those who follows him.
・Whenever Jesus was doing the work of the Father, he was saying, “I can do nothing but I only do what the
Father does”. In the same way, we do what Jesus does only by surrendering ourselves to him. [Luke 9:23-24]
That is when we see the Holy Spirit within us begins to work through us!
*Today’s key words: “TSUKAWASU”(Send), “RIYUU”(Reason), “OKONAU”(Demonstrate).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What are three reasons why Jesus is sending us to the earth now?
②How can it be possible for us to fulfill these “three reasons”?
③Take time to read [Luke 9:23-24] and meditate about “surrender to Jesus”.