
説教あらすじ   「ゆっくり生きよう!」   (23/06/2024)

[マタイの福音書 25章37~40節]












Outline of the sermon  “Slow down!”  (23/06/2024)

[Matthew 253740]

What is really important

 ・Now we live in “efficiency-seeking, information-oriented” society.  It requires, “to know as quick as, as good

  as, as much as and as cheap as possible” to benefit ourselves.  Is this really important?  How does “the

  Bible” say? [Ecclesiastes12:13,ⅠCorinthians13:13]

 ・Last Sunday we learned about “God’s Will”.  What is the right attitude to receive His will? [Psalm 37:7]

Use your “time” wisely

 ・It is time consuming to “Love”.  When we raise our children, it is easier just to give money or things to them,

  but “to love them” it requires “plenty of time” to spend with them.

 ・Some may say, “I am spending time to do various activities ‘For God’.  So isn’t it good enough?”  In fact,

  God almost never wants us just “to do something”.  Just as we saw in Matthew chapter 25, God wants us “to

  be available” as His instrument for others.

 ・Everyone is given “different gifts and talents” but God has given all of us equally “24 hours a day”.  So God

  must be very interested in how we spend this 24 hours each day!

Todays key words:KOURITSUSEI”(Efficiency), “TAISETSU”(Important), “JIKAN”(Time).

Questions to ponder on:

 ①What are different between “requirements of this world” and “requirements of the Bible”?

 ②To seek “God’s Will”, how do we have to change our concept about “time”?

 ③How would you like to change the way of spending your “time” so that you may glorify God through it?


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