説教あらすじ 「『寄留者』として」 (02/06/2024)
[へブル人への手紙 13章10~16節]
・私たちには『動物のいけにえ』ではない、別の『いけにえ』がある。それは、①賛美のいけにえ また ②善行のいけにえ。『いけにえ』は『犠牲』なのだから、決して「喜ばしいもの」ではない。周囲に理解されない時もあり、内面的戦いを強いられることもある。そんな中で賛美をし、人々に施すという『信仰の姿勢』を、神は喜ばれる。
②手紙の著者が勧めている『いけにえ』はどのようなものですか? 自分の日常生活にあてはめてみましょう。
Outline of the sermon “Live as ‘Pilgrims’.” (02/06/2024)
[Hebrews 13:10~16]
◆Our time is short on the earth.(Verses 13~14)
・Under colonization of Rome, Jews were still doing “animal sacrifice” at their temple. Yet Jewish Christians
refused to follow that habit because they were believing that Christ had finished the law by sacrificing himself
as “an ultimate sacrifice before God”.
・“The camp” was the safest place for Jews when they were on their journey from Egypt to “Promised land”.
So, “going outside the camp” means “going out of comfort zone”. We only live for a short time on the earth,
so why don’t we go out boldly to witness our Lord even if there will be some criticisms or sneers.
◆Greater sacrifice than animals.(Verses15~16)
・“Sacrifices” we can offer to God now is not “animals” but ①Sacrifice of praise or ②Sacrifice of good deeds.
“Sacrifice” is not necessarily enjoyable but rather painful. People around us may misunderstand us or
mistreat us. But if we praise God in the midst of hardships, it is an act of faith which God pleases.
・We are “pilgrims” on the earth. Pilgrims wouldn’t save money or seek fame on their journey. So let us seek
for “our home in heaven” with praises on our lips and sharing what we have to others!
*Today’s key words: “SHUKUEI”(The camp), “IKENIE”(Sacrifice), “KIRYUUSHA”(Pilgrims).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What kind of “struggles” the Jewish Christians were experiencing in those days?
②What kind of “sacrifices” can we offer to God in our daily life?
③What does it mean “to go out of the camp” for you today? It guides you to do what?