説教あらすじ 「『神のみこころ』に生きる」 (16/06/2024)
[へブル人への手紙 13章20~25節](20~21節が中心)
*『神のみこころ』には2つの側面(①「私たちに対して」成し遂げたい『みこころ』 ②「私たちを通して」成し遂げたい『みこころ』)がある。
・神は地上でご自身の『みこころ』を成就なさるために、私たち人間をお用いになる。そのため神は私たち1人1人を「あらゆる良いものをもって」整えてくださる。[Ⅱテモテ3:16-17] これがいわば「私たちに対する神のみこころ」。
①私たちのための『神のみこころ』には、どんな2つの側面がありますか? その2つはどのように違いますか?
②神は「どのような人」を、ご自身のご計画のために用いることができますか? また、それはどうしてでしょう?
Outline of the sermon ‘To live in “God’s Will”.’ (16/06/2024)
[Hebrews 13:20~25]
*There are 2 aspects for “God’s Will”. ①God’s will for “each one of us”. ②God’s will for “us as a group”.
◆God’s will for “each one of us”.
・God uses “people(us)” to fulfill His will. So, God equip each one of us with everything good. [ⅡTimothy 3:16-17]
This is what we call, “God’s will for ‘each one of us’”.
・God has a unique plan for each one of us. He can apply it to those who trust in Him and submit themselves
to Him. God would mold them into “their best shape (like Christ)” with His Words and Spirit. [Philippians 2:13]
◆God’s will for “us as a group”.
・Once God has equipped “each one of us”, now we are ready to go on a journey to fulfill His greater plan for
“us as a group (body of Christ)”!
・God created each one of us different so that we must need each other. God has ultimate plan for us to help
one another to fulfill it, as well as unique plans for us individually.
・We all need to abide in Christ and be led by the Spirit in order to know the plan God is preparing for JCF.
So let us seek God and experience the fulfillment of His great plan ahead of us!
*Today’s key words: “KAMI NO MIKOKORO”(God’s will), “NASHITOGERU”(Fulfill), “KEIKAKU”(Plan).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What are two aspects of “God’s will” for us? How different are they?
②What types of people can God use to fulfill His plan? Why is that?
③What can we do “today” to seek and find “God’s will for JCF” and experience its fulfillment?