
説教あらすじ   「TemporaryとPermanent」   (05/05/2024)

[へブル人への手紙 12章25~29節]





 ・終わりの日は『火によるさばき』と共にくる。そして罪人たちはこの『火』に耐えることはできない。[イザヤ33:14] この「神の焼き尽くす火」に耐えうるのは、主イエスの十字架による『罪の赦し』を受け取った者たちのみ! 


・NZのPermanent visaを持っている方も、この世のビザは全てTemporaryであることを忘れないでくださいね。



 ②「『神の焼き尽くす火』に耐えうるもの」とは、どんなものですか? それらを持っているという確信がありますか?


Outline of the sermon   “Temporary vs Permanent.”   (05/05/2024)

[Hebrews 122529]

Things in this world are “temporary”.(Verses 25~27)

 ・“Do not refuse him who is speaking (verse 25)”.  Why?  Not just because of what He is speaking but also

  because He has been “faithful” and “merciful” to us!  Israeli who left from Egypt often be rebellious to Moses

  and looking back their old life in Egypt though they experienced many miracles of God.  We have to be careful

  not to look back our old sinful life because we all experienced incredible work of God through Jesus Christ. 

  Instead, let us be someone whom God is proud of![Hebrews11:16]

All come from God are “permanent”.(Verses 28~29)

 ・“The day” comes with “consuming fire of God” and none of “sinners” can dwell with it. [Isaiah 33:14]  Only

   those who received “forgiveness” through Jesus Christ can dwell with it.

 ・“Acceptable worship” before God is not like “excellent music” or “beautiful singings”.  It is our “lifestyle”

   seeking “eternal kingdom of God” by refusing earthly shakable things.

 ・You may have been seeking “permanent residence visa for NZ”.  But now God made you “a permanent

   residence” of His kingdom because “all visas” on the earth are “temporary”!

Todays key words:ICHIJI TEKI”(Temporary), “EIEN”(Permanent), “YAKITSUKUSU-HI”(Consuming fire).

Questions to ponder on:

 ①Why are we still attracted by “temporary things” even though we already received “permanent gift” of God?

 ②What can dwell with “consuming fire of God”?  Are you confident that you possess these things?

 ③How can we fix our mind to “permanent gifts from God”?


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