説教あらすじ 「コミットメント」 (19/05/2024)
[へブル人への手紙 13章1~6節]
①新約聖書が教えている『兄弟愛』とは、どのようなものですか? それは何に動機付けられていますか?
②夫婦関係において『姦淫』はどんなことを意味していますか? それは「この世の価値観」と、どう違いますか?
Outline of the sermon “Commitment.” (19/05/2024)
[Hebrews 13:1~6]
◆What drives our lives?(Verses 1~2)
・New Testament often talks about “Brotherly love”. Especially Apostol John gives deep insight of it. [ⅠJohn
3:16] Not only “brotherly love” but every part of our lives should be the expression of our response to
“God’s love through Christ Jesus”.
◆What guarantees our lives?(Verses 4~5)
・Apostol Paus metaphorized “marriage relationship” to the relationship between “Christ and church”. If we
describe this relationship in one word, it is “Commitment”. Jesus surrendered his life for us. That’s why
we ought to respond to this love with all our heart. One of the expressions of our respond is “marriage”.
Therefore, there is no room for adultery!
・Christ also promised that he would never leave us nor forsake us. Which would you put your trust? This
commitment of Jesus? Or money?
・There are many difficulties and hardships in our lives. We can either come closer to God or go farther from
God. It does not depend on “the size of hardships” but on “the size of our faith”.
*Today’s key words: “KYOUDAI AI”(Brotherly love), “KAN IN”(Adultery), “KINSEN”(Money).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What kind of “Brotherly love” is the Bible talking about? It is driven by what?
②What is different about “adultery” between “Biblical point of view” and “earthly point of view”?
③What did you learn about “Commitment” from preaching today?