説教あらすじ 「信仰によって祝福する」 (11/02/2024)
[へブル人への手紙 11章20~22節]
・「神に選ばれた者」としての私たちの第1の使命は『祝福すること』である。[創世記12:1-3] 神はご自身のご計画を成就するために、イエス・キリストにあって私たちを選び、永遠のいのちの祝福を与え、時には試練によって私たちの信仰を精錬し、私たちを通して『全世界を』ご自分の祝福で満たそうとしておられるのである。
Outline of the sermon “Be a blessing by faith” (11/02/2024)
[Hebrews 11:20~22]
◆God tests our faith.
・God tests our faith to make it pure and stronger. No exceptions. Isaac was almost killed by his dad. Jacob
ran away from his brother so that he wouldn’t be murdered. Joseph’s life was full of hardships for his faith.
He was ended successful in Egypt, and he made mention of the Exodus by faith. [Genesis15:13-14]
・It is a beautiful misunderstanding if you believe, “our faith guarantees problem-free life”! God has a special
plan for each of our lives and prepare every one of us for that by testing us.
◆We are called to be “a blessing”.
・Here we can see Abraham’s descendants blessing their children. It is an important responsibility as parents.
Even if our own life was full of problems and hardships, what we should do is not “complaining” but “blessing”
because we are born and called to do so. [ⅠPeter 3:9]
・As “chosen ones”, our primary mission is “to bless others”. [Genesis12:1-3] God called us, saved us and
gave us “a blessing of eternal life” (and sometimes test us), so that we will be prepared to “bless the world”
in the name of Christ Jesus!
*Today’s key words: “SHUKUFUKU”(Blessing), “SHIREN”(Tests), “MESARERU”(Called).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What kind of hardships did Abraham’s descendants experience? And how did they respond to that?
②Why do you think God tests those who are faithful to Him? Isn’t it fair?
③Remember “hardships & blessings” you have experienced in the past. Can you see any “God’s plan” in it?