説教あらすじ 「教会の真の姿」 (10/11/2024)
◆『神の恵み』に共にあずかる (6節)
◆キリストの愛の心 (8節)
①「キリストにある恵み」とは、実際のところどういうものですか? 何故そう言えますか?
②「キリストの愛の心」は、どのような形で現わされますか? 何故そう言えますか?
Outline of the sermon “True figure of ‘the church’.” (10/11/2024)
[Philippians 1:7~8]
*How did Paul keep “unity” with Philippians without internet? Let’s find out!
◆Partaking “grace of God”. (Verse 7)
・“Grace” means “receiving what we don’t deserve”. Can be either “things we want” or “things we don’t”.
・The principle of this world is “reward” which means “receiving what we deserve”. We are all sinners, so we all deserve “death” as our “reward”. But because Christ took our place and died for us, now we receive “grace of God” for his sake (including his suffering). [Philippians1:29]
◆The affection of Christ. (Verse 8)
・Christ desired “reconciliation between God and men” above all else. “The affection of Christ” must be his passion to take away any obstacles hindering us from God. He would never give up making it happen!
・As “body of Christ” we, “church”, ought to follow his example and persevere in receiving “God’s grace” with joy and trying all our best to remove obstacles to share “the good news” of the kingdom of God!
Today’s main point
Partake “grace of God” together, and share “the affection of Christ”.
*Today’s key words: “MUKUI”(Reward), “UKERU NI ATAISURU”(Deserve), “SHOUGAI”(Obstacles).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What does “grace of God” really mean? Why can we say so?
②How can “the affection of Christ” be expressed? Why can we say so?
③What would you do for JCF to be fully functioned as “the body of Christ”?