
説教あらすじ    「キリストにある者」    (27/10/2024)


◆「キリストにある者」の特徴 (1節)

 ・キリスト・イエスにある「しもべ」=『奴隷』 ― 主人の「家」に住み、主人に「仕える」存在。


= 神の前に、キリストによって聖別された(特別な目的のために取り分けられた)存在。


◆『恵み』と『平安』 (2節,これはパウロの手紙に共通している言葉)









Outline of the sermon  “The saints in Christ.”  (27/10/2024)

[Philippians 1:1~2]

Those who are “in Christ”. (Verse 1)

 ・“Servant” in Christ Jesus. = “Slave”. ― Someone who “lives in the house” of Master and “serves” him.

 ・“The saints” in Christ Jesus.(Doesn’t necessarily mean that they are “holy” or “excellent”.

= Those who are “Set apart in Christ” (to be “his own” for “special purpose”).

 ・For what kind of “purpose”, then?

“Grace” and “Peace”. (Verse 2,Most of Paul’s letters have this expression)

 ・“Grace” is not our own doing, but God chose us “in Christ” and made us “His own”.  God is no longer angry to us. 

  All His anger has finished on the cross at Calvary. [Romans 5:1]

 ・Our salvation by “this grace” brought us “peace with God”, and this “peace with God” brings us “everlasting

  peace” in our heart.  God has chosen us as “the saints in Christ Jesus” to include us in “peace in Christ” and

  entrust us “the message of reconciliation” for this world![ⅡCorinthians 5:17-21]

Today’s main point

We are “the saints in Christ”.

Todays key words:SEITO”(The saints), “SHIMOBE”(Servant), “DOREI”(Slave), “HEIAN”(Peace).

Questions to ponder on:

 ①What does “being in Christ” really mean?

 ②How do “grace” and “peace” relate each other?

 ③What kind of things would you like to endeavor as “the saint in Christ”?


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