説教あらすじ 「『謙遜』を身に付ける」 (05/11/2023)
[へブル人への手紙 10章19~25節]
・『垂れ幕』をくぐるためには身を低くする。イエスが「肉体を取られた」のも『謙遜さ』を示している。[ピリピ2:3-8] 私たちは『謙遜』にならなければ、この「キリスト・イエスにある救い」を受け取ることはできない。[エペソ2:8-9]
✰今週のチャレンジ: どんな時に『謙遜』にさせられますか?
①主イエスは、どのような「謙遜の模範」を示されましたか? そこから考えさせられることを分かち合いましょう。
②私たちの「生まれつきの良心」の問題は何ですか? 大胆に神に近づくために、何が必要なのでしょう?
Outline of the sermon “Clothe yourself with humility.” (05/11/2023)
[Hebrews 10:19~25]
◆Christ demonstrated true “humility”.(Verses19~20)
・Jesus came with “flesh”(Philippians 2:3-8) and he became “a curtain” to make us “humble”. We can never
receive “Salvation from God in Christ Jesus” unless we humble ourselves. [Ephesians 2:8-9]
◆We live in new relationships based on true “humility”.
① With God. (Verses 21~23)
・We(even our conscience) have to be “cleaned and washed” by the blood and water(ⅠPeter 3:21).
・We come before God with “true heart in full assurance of faith”. So, when we come before God, our hearts
should be “humbled and committed” to Him. (Isaiah 57:15) True “humility” requires “obedience to His Word”.
② With people(family of God). (Verses 24~25)
・We cannot “stir up one another” without meeting together. Yes, “fellowship” is sometimes troublesome,
but God often uses it for our “spiritual growth”. So let’s meet together and grow in “humility”!
✰Challenge for this week: What kind of situation makes you humble?
*Today’s key words: “KENSON”(Humility), “RYOUSHIN”(Conscience), “ATSUMARU”(Get together).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①How did Jesus showed us an example of “humility”? And what does it make you think?
②What kind of problem does “our conscience by nature” have ?
③Why is it important to “get together”? How does it affect us to grow in “humility”?