説教あらすじ 「『礼拝する』のではなく、『礼拝者』になる」 (27/08/2023)
[へブル人への手紙 9章1~7節]
・『礼拝』という概念に関して、主イエスの面白いコメントを見出すことができる。[ヨハネ4:19-23] 『礼拝』は「アクティビティ」を連想させがちだが、この幕屋の2重構造は私たちにそれ以上のことを連想させてくれる。
・「第2の幕屋」には『契約の箱』があった。そしてこの『契約の箱』の中には、モーセがシナイ山で神から受け取った「十戒が刻み込まれた2枚の石の板」が入っていた。まさに「神と人とを結ぶ『契約』」の象徴。そして神はこの『契約の箱』の前でモーセに語られた。[出エジプト25:22] 「第2の幕屋」は『神の臨在』の場であり、私たちにとって「真の礼拝」、すなわち「『聞き従う心』をもって神の前に出る場」なのだ。
✰今週のチャレンジ: あなたにとって『礼拝』は「行為」ですか?「心の姿勢」ですか?
①「第1の幕屋」と「第2の幕屋」の間の大きな違いは何でしたか? 何がその『違い』を際立たせていましたか?
③今日神があなたに求めておられる『礼拝』とは、どのようなものでしょう? あなたはそれにどう応答しますか?
Outline of the sermon “Give God spiritual worship.” (27/08/2023)
[Hebrews 9:1~7]
◆Things in “the first section”.(Verses 2, 6)
・There were mainly 2 sections in the tabernacle and priests were performing their rituals in “the first section”
daily. These “rituals” were their “act of worship” in those days.
・Jesus came to change this concept of “worship”. [John 4:19-23] But we can also learn real idea of
“worship” from “the second section” of the tabernacle.
◆What’s been happening in “the second section”.(Verses 3~4,7)
・In “the second section” there was “the ark of the covenant”. God often talked to Moses right there.
[Exodus 25:22] So “the second section” is set aside for “meeting with God”. We must prepare ourselves ready to “listen and obey” what God is about to tell us.
・“Worship” is not physical activity but “spiritual response” to God who sacrificed His Son for our salvation.
So are you ready to worship your God in spirit and truth today? [Romans12:1]
✰Challenge for this week: Do you want to be: “worshiping” God? Or “a worshiper” of God?
*Today’s key words: “REIHAI”(worship, service), “GISHIKI”(Ritual), “KOUI”(Activity), “RINZAI”(Presence).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What is the main difference between “the first section” and “the second section” in the tabernacle?
②How did “New covenant” by the blood of Christ change our concept of “worship”?
③What kind of “worship” is God seeking from us today? And how would you respond to that?