
説教あらすじ   「『古い契約』と『新しい契約』」   (20/08/2023)

[へブル人への手紙 8章7~13節]







   ①神は「私たちの心(思い)」にご自身の律法を書き記す ― 『キリストの心』が形造られる [エゼキエル11:19-20]

   ②すべての者が神を知るようになる ― 個人的な関係の中で「自分にとって神とはどういう方か」を知る。

   ③罪が拭い去られる ― 旧約聖書において[出エジプト34:6-7] 新約聖書において[へブル9:13-14]


✰今週のチャレンジ: 自分の力で神の基準に到達しようとしていませんか?


 ①『古い契約』と『新しい契約』とでは、どんなところがどのように違いますか? また、それはどうしてでしょう?


 ③「『新しい契約』の3つの特徴」を、あなたはどの程度味わっていますか? 互いに分かち合ってみましょう。

Outline of the sermon     Old covenant & New covenant.     (20/08/2023)

[Hebrews 8713]

“Old covenant” and “New covenant”.

  ・We call “Old Testament” and “New Testament” because of this.  “Covenant” is made by agreement of both

    parties.  In this case “agreement” is made between “God and people” by the blood.

  ・“Old covenant” is made through Moses with blood of animals [Exodus 24:7-8] whereas “New covenant” is made

    through Christ, the Son of God, with his blood. [Mark14:23-24]

Special features of “New covenant”.(Verses10~12)

  ・In this reference of Book of Jeremiah, we can see 3 special features of “New covenant”:

   God puts His laws into “our minds” ― He creates “Christ like mind” within us.  [Ezekiel11:19-20]

   We shall all know God ― We shall know “who God really is” in personal level.  Not by head but by Spirit.

   Our sins will be remembered no more ― See the difference between [Exodus 34:6-7] and [Hebrews 9:13-14]

  ・Are you bound with God through this “New covenant” by the blood of Jesus?

Challenge for this weekArent you trying to achieve Gods standard with own strength?

Todays key words:KEIYAKU”(Covenant), “TOKUCHO”(Special feature), “OMOI”(Mind).

Questions to ponder on:

 ①What are key differences between “Old covenant” and “New covenant”?

 ②What do you learn about God through the quotations from “Book of Jeremiah” and “Book of Ezekiel”?

 ③How far have you experienced 3 special features of “New covenant”?


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