
説教あらすじ   「Temporary vs Permanent」   (13/08/2023)

[へブル人への手紙 8章1~6節]




  ・しかし実際は「Permanent」と言っても『永遠』ではない。本物の「永遠の神殿」は、『神ご自身』。[黙示録21:22] そして私たちは本来、この『永遠の住まい』に生きるようにデザインされている!




✰今週のチャレンジ: 永遠に保つ『神との関係』に、日々魅了されていますか?



 ②私たちは「どんなことのため」に生まれて来たのでしょう? また、どうしてそう言えるのでしょうか?


Outline of the sermon    “Temporary vs Permanent.”    (13/08/2023)

[Hebrews 816]

Jesus, our priest forever.(Verses 1~2,4~5)

  ・Levitical priests were only serving in “temporary” building for “temporary” purposes.  Jesus came to finish

    these “temporaries” and established “permanent” temple by sacrificing himself for “permanent” ransom in

    “permanent” temple in heaven as “an eternal high priest.  In fact, there will be no “temple” in heaven

    because God Himself is our eternal temple and we live there forever![Revelation 21:22]

We are created for “eternal fellowship with God”.

  ・We are not created “to do something” but “for relationships”.  On the earth we live in the relationship with

    “family, friends and other people” temporarily, then ultimately we live in “the eternal fellowship with God”.

  ・Satan always does his best to tempt us with “temporary” charms and try to hinder us from God.  So stand

    firm and seek “permanent” things which only come through “the eternal fellowship with God”

Challenge for this weekAre you tasting “Eternal fellowship with God” each day?

Todays key words:EIEN”(Permanent, Eternal), “SHINDEN”(Temple), “KANKEI”(Relationship).

Questions to ponder on:

 ①What are “temporary” and “permanent” things in our lives?

 ②For what purpose are we living?  Why can we say that?

 ③How can we overcome temptations from “temporary” charms and remain strong in the fellowship with God?


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