
説教あらすじ    「神の約束と誓い」    (02/07/2023)

[へブル人への手紙 6章13~20節]



  ・神はアブラハムに厳しい試練を通らせた後で「あなたの子孫は必ず星や砂のように増え広がる」と『ご自身に   かけて』誓われた。[創世記22:16-17] アブラハムは自分が生きている間にはそこまでの成就は見なかったが、きっとこの神の約束を疑うことはなかったであろう。この書の著者はユダヤ人クリスチャンに対して「旧約聖書の中にも、神の『新しい契約』の一端が啓示されていること」を示そうとしているに違いない。




✰今週のチャレンジ: あなたは「神の誓い」に裏打ちされたこの約束に人生を委ねますか?



 ②神はアブラハムにどのような約束を与えましたか? またそれはいつ、どのような形で成就しましたか?

 ③神は御子を通して私たちにどのような約束を与えておられますか? それはどうやって受け取れますか?

Outline of the sermon    “God swore as well as promised.”    (02/07/2023)

[Hebrews 61320]

God keeps His promises.

  ・We sometimes fail to keep our promises but God never fails.  The fulfillment of His promises, however, may

    happen after our life on the earth.  Let’s think of Abraham.  God promised him that his descendants would

    be as stars or sands.  Even though it wasn’t fulfilled in his lifetime, he was looking at its fulfillment by faith.

    [Genesis 22:16-17]  This story shows Jew Christians the importance of “faith” and the taste of “New covenant”.

Our sure hope.

  ・All the things on the earth will pass away.  But there is “everlasting thing” in heaven such as “the throne of

   God”.  After his death and resurrection, Jesus went to heaven, sat right hand side of the throne and became

   “eternal high priest”.  Our salvation is guaranteed by the promise of God in Christ. [Verse19]

  ・There is a sanctuary “behind the curtain” which leads us into “intimate fellowship with God”.  This is the

    place we can enter only through “Christ Jesus” who is the high priest designated by God. [John14:6]

Challenge for this weekWould you fully trust your life to the promise which is guaranteed by God?

Todays key words:YAKUSOKU”(Promise), “CHIKAU”(Swear), “SAISHI”(Priest).

Questions to ponder on:

 ①What kind of promises are there in “Old Testament” and “New Testament”?  How are they different?

 ②What kind of promise did God give to Abraham?  When and how were they fulfilled?

 ③What kind of promise has God promised to us?  How can we have it as our own?


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