説教あらすじ 「もっとすぐれた希望」 (16/07/2023)
[へブル人への手紙 7章11~19節]
・そもそも『祭司』には「神と人とを仲介する」という役割があるが、このことを究極的に成し遂げたのは『イエス・キリスト』。[Ⅰテモテ2:5-6] 旧約聖書の時代と、それ以降の『祭司職』を比較すると下記のようになる。
祭司職 = レビ人(不完全) ―― 律法による
永遠の(メルキゼデクに倣う)祭司 = イエス・キリスト ―― 新しい律法
✰今週のチャレンジ: 『神の御霊』が内に住んでおられることを忘れていませんか?
②『律法』とは、本来何を示すために与えられましたか? 『聖霊』と『律法』の働きの共通点と相違点は何ですか?
③「恵みの時代」に生きる私たちが気を付けるべき点は何でしょう? そのためにどんな対策が考えられますか?
Outline of the sermon “A better hope.” (16/07/2023)
[Hebrews 7:11~19]
◆A priest after the order of Melchizedek.
・Melchizedek was serving as “a priest of the Most High God” before priesthood was ordered by “the law”.
Priests mediate between “God & people”. Ultimately Christ completed this role. [ⅠTimothy 2:5-6]
Priesthood = Levitical(imperfect) ―― the old law.
Eternal priest(after the order of Melchizedek) = Jesus Christ ―― the New Law.
・The old law taught us that we could never come to God with “our own effort”. Here is “A Better Hope”!
God enabled us to come to him not walking by the flesh but “walking by the Spirit” [Romans 8:3-4]!
◆“The law of the flesh” vs “the law of the Spirit”.
・“The law” is, in fact, not “rules or teachings” but “a form of expression of God’s will”. And “the Spirit”
works not to make us observe the law BUT to transform us into “His original plan” which is “Christ likeness”.
[ⅡCorinthians 3:18] So let us remind each other the One who dwells in us(ⅠCorinthians 3:16) and cling to Him!
✰Challenge for this week: Do you not forget that “Spirit of God” dwells in you?
*Today’s key words: “RIPPOU”(The law), “SUGURETA KIBO”(Better hope), “MIKOKORO”(God’s will).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What does it show that Melchizedek was serving as “the priest of the Most High God” before the law came?
②What is the primal function of “the law”? And what are in common or different between “the law” and “the Spirit”?
③What can be the dangers to live in “the grace of God”? Anything we can do to protect ourselves from them?