説教あらすじ 「『永遠のいのち』に生かされる」 (25/06/2023)
[へブル人への手紙 6章9~12節]
・「神との愛の関係に生きる」とは、つまり「日々聖霊によって注がれる愛をもって人々に『愛の行為』を示していくこと」。(マタイ25章の「羊飼いが羊とヤギをより分けるたとえ」) 使徒ヨハネは、こう記している。[Ⅰヨハネ4:12]
✰今週のチャレンジ: 「自分を喜ばせること」を求めて生きてはいませんか?
①『信仰』と『忍耐』は、どんな共通点がありますか? 何故私たちは「神様に待たされている」と感じるのでしょう?
③「神との愛の関係に生きる者」の特徴として、どんな点が挙げられるでしょう? 考えを分かち合ってみましょう。
Outline of the sermon “Live by God’s given ‘Eternal Life’.” (25/06/2023)
[Hebrews 6:9~12]
◆What is “Eternal Life”?
・We don’t necessarily receive “returns from God” on the earth. We live in “Eternal Life” which is “eternal
relationship with God”. We will not be put to shame as long as our hope is in this “eternal fellowship”.
・There are not many difference between “faith” and “endurance”. “Faith” is “to trust God and wait for His
very best will be given to us in His best timing whenever it would be”. [Hebrews10:36]
◆How do we live in “intimacy with God”?
・If we put “Living in intimacy with God” into practice, it is very much like “loving people with Christlike love
poured by the Spirit”. When we show our love given from God, we experience His presence. [ⅠJohn 4:12]
・When we really love someone, only that partner can give you “greatest joy” or “worst sadness”. In the
same way we can experience “an ultimate joy” or “an ultimate grief” only when we live in “intimacy with
God”. “Eternal life” is kind of supreme privilege that God shares His heart with those who love Him.
✰Challenge for this week: Do you want to please God or yourself?
*Today’s key words: “KANKEI”(Relationship), “EIEN NO INOCHI”(Eternal life), “SHINKO”(Faith).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What are in common between “faith” and “endurance”?
②If you describe “eternal life” in other words, how would you explain?
③What does “living in intimacy with God” look like?