説教あらすじ 「偉大な大祭司イエス」 (02/04/2023)
[へブル人への手紙 4章14~16節]
◆私たちの弱さ (14~15節)
・また[15節]では、「私たちの大祭司(イエス)は、私たちの『弱さ』に同情できない方ではない」と言っているが、本当だろうか? そもそも『私たちの弱さ』とは?
◆何を「信じる」のか? (16節)
・私たちの『信仰の告白』とは、この「驚くばかりの神の恵み」に対する『応答』である。パウロは、この信仰告白をローマ人への手紙の中で代弁してくれている。[ローマ8:32] この「恵みの御座」に大胆に近づいて行こう!✰今週のチャレンジ: あなたはどんな『信仰』で神に近づきますか?
Outline of the sermon “Jesus, a great high priest.” (02/04/2023)
[Hebrews 4:14~16]
◆Our weaknesses. (Verses14~15)
・What kind of “confession”(verse14) should we hold? This is the main point today. And also it says, “our high
priest, Jesus, sympathizes our weaknesses”.(verse15) Is it real? What kind of “weaknesses” do we have?
・Just as poor people in Korean drama, we tend to think that there is no way out from our misery. But Jesus
knows that we are all created as “God’s masterpiece”, so he feels very sad for our misunderstanding!
◆What “our confession” should be? (Verse16)
・Jesus expressed his incredible sympathy towards us by sacrificing himself on the cross as “a great high priest”.
He wants us to “confess” that we are not “weak” anymore in him but “confident” to draw near to the throne
of God and ask for whatever we need just as Paul wrote to the believers in Rome. [Romans 8:32]
✰Challenge for this week: You draw near to God by what kind of “faith”?