
説教あらすじ   「『神の家』として生きる」   (05/03/2023)

[へブル人への手紙 3章1~6節]

◆モーセとイエスの違い (2~6節前半)



◆私たちは何者か? (1,6節)



✰今週のチャレンジ: あなたは何に信頼し、左右されて生きていますか?




 ③あなたの自己像と、聖書が語る『あなた』とに、ギャップがありますか? それをどう一致させたら良いでしょう?

Outline of the sermon  “Live as God’s house on the earth.” (05/03/2023)

[Hebrews :1~6]

Differences between Jesus and Moses. (Verses 2~6a)

  ・Even though both Moses and Jesus served as “prophet & intercessor”, their status were very different. 

   Moses served for “a Gods house” which was “Israelites”, whereas Jesus served for “Gods house” in Heaven

   as well as on the earth.  And Moses guided them by the law, but Jesus guides us by his Spirit.  Moses and

   Israelites were just like “a prototype” of the real thing to come which is “Jesus and his kingdom”.

Who the Bible tells us we are. (Verses 1, 6)

  ・Author of this letter calls us, “holy brothers”.  We are “children of God” and “brothers of Christ” sanctified

    by the holy blood of Jesus.  And we, ourselves, are “God’s house” where his Spirit lives in us! We are not

    living by sight but living by faith.  We don’t rely on what we do or have but we boast only in Christ.!

Challenge for this weekWhat is your life based on?  Value of this world?  Or God?


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