説教あらすじ 「みことば と 信仰」 (19/03/2023)
[へブル人への手紙 4章1~13節]
◆神の安息 (1~3節前半)
◆みことばへの応答 (11~13節)
✰今週のチャレンジ: 「神のことばに従う」という確固たる決意を持っていますか?
②これら3つの『神の安息』の共通点は何ですか? またそれはあなたの人生にも成就していますか?
Outline of the sermon “Word of God and our faith.” (19/03/2023)
[Hebrews 4:1~13]
◆God’s rest. (Verses 1~3a)
・The author of this letter talks about 3 historical events which describe “God’s rest”.
①7th day after Creation. ②Israelites entering to “Promised land”. ③Our “Eternal rest” with God.
・And the author says that all these 3 become possible by “the obedience to the Word of God”.
◆Responding to His Word. (Verses 11~13)
・All the Word of God would eventually be fulfilled whether we believe it or not because it is living and active.
However, “His promises of blessings” would only be fulfilled for those who believe. That’s why this author
invites us for “obedience”. [Verse7] God does everything with full of power and love. Nothing is difficult for
Him. It is ridiculous if we don’t listen to Him nor obey His Word!
✰Challenge for this week: Have you decided to obey “God’s Word”?