説教あらすじ 「完全な救いの創始者・イエス」 (26/02/2023)
[へブル人への手紙 2章10~18節]
◆救いの完成者・イエス (10~15節)
・[10~12節] 神の意図は、御子を『救いの完成者』とすること。これには、①人々の救い と ②イエスの栄光の両方が含まれる。そのために神は、イエスを「人間と同じような存在(人々の中の長子)」とされた。
・[14~15節] イエスは「道であり、真理であり、いのち」、すなわち救いに至る『道』であり、その道をどうやって辿るかを教える『道しるべ(真理)』であり、その道を共に歩む力を与えてくださる『同伴者(いのち)』でもある。
◆完全な大祭司・イエス (17~18節)
✰今週のチャレンジ: あなたはこの「救いの素晴らしさ」を存分に味わっていますか?
Outline of the sermon “Jesus – perfect founder of Salvation.” (26/02/2023)
[Hebrews 2: 10~18]
◆Jesus – perfector of Salvation. (Verses 10~15)
・God designated Jesus as “the perfector of Salvation” so God sent him to the earth as “human”.
・Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life”. We can only come to the Father through him(way), by him(truth)
and with him(life) because the power of death(separation from God) has been destroyed by him.
◆Jesus – faithful high priest. (Verses 17~18)
・“Priest” intermediates us to the Father. Jesus was the only “sinless human” so that he could become
“a perfect faithful high priest” between us and God. He can sympathize with us as well as intermediating us
to God because he experienced “temptations and sufferings”. God exalted Jesus high to sit at His right hand
for his faithfulness up to the point of his death. Jesus is “the only perfect founder of Salvation”!
✰Challenge for this week: How much are you experiencing this “Wonderful Salvation”?