説教あらすじ 「教会 ― キリストのからだ」 (31/12/2023)
②私たち1人1人は「からだの部分」である。私たちは「神のみわざ」を成就するためにお互いを必要としている。[Ⅰコリント12:7] 「個人プレー」ではなく、『神の愛』によって互いを生かし合う「神の国のチームメイト」。
✰今年の年間聖句: [ローマ人への手紙 12章5節]
Outline of the sermon “Church ― Body of Christ.” (31/12/2023)
◆One more important thing.
・Last week we learned “the most important thing” which is “personal relationship with God”. Today we are
going to learn something which is as important as that one. (ⅠCorinthians12:27) There are 2 elements in this verse:
①We (church) are “Body of Christ. When Jesus was on the earth as a human, God fulfilled His work through
Christ by His Spirit. Now God is trying to reveal Himself through us, the body of Christ by the same Spirit.
②We are “parts” of His body. To fulfill God’s Work, we ought to work in harmony. [ⅠCorinthians12:7]
It is not “one person doing for all” but “we all work together as a team in love for the common good”.
◆Everyone has responsibility.
・Pastor is not “the head of the church” but “a part of the body” who helps uniting the parts. In the same way
all other parts have their “own responsibility” to let “the work of the Spirit” manifest.
・So let us earnestly seek God and His Words this coming year, and challenge boldly “what the Spirit guides us
to do”! And by the end of this year, we want to say, “I am this part of JCF which is the body of Christ!”
✰Verse for year 2024: Romans chapter 12 verse 5
*Today’s key words: “KARADA”(Body), “BUBUN”(Parts), “SEKININ”(Responsibility).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①Why can we say that the church is “the body of Christ”?
②What does that mean when we say, “we are individually members of the body of Christ”?
③What can we do to function in JCF as “a member of the body of Christ”?