説教あらすじ 「神との関係はリアクションに現れる」 (17/12/2023)
・「神と共に歩む」ためには、いつものようにリラックスしつつ「霊的に目を覚まして」いる。1つ1つの出来事に対して知性や感情を超えたレベルで「何だか分からないけど、何か引っかかる」ような思いをキャッチし、思い切ってそれに従ってみる。[Ⅱコリント5:7] 「人と違っていること」を恐れるな。主イエスもそのように歩まれた!
✰今週のチャレンジ: 『霊的センス』を磨こう!
①私たちはどんなことを頼りに「神のみこころ」を判別しがちですか? それらのどこが間違っているのでしょう?
③『霊的センス』を磨くために、どんな要素が必要ですか? そのために神はあなたに何を求めているでしょう?
Outline of the sermon “Relationship with God reveals in our reaction.” (17/12/2023)
◆Your levels of “relationship with God”.
・Some people try to build “relationship with God” in their “intellectual level”. They think they can reach to
“God’s mind” by “thinking” which is silly. Others try to determine “God’s heart” in their “emotional level”.
They believe that they can “feel” God’s heart which sounds nice but not realistic. These people love to quote
[Philippians2:13]. But it is too hard to distinguish “God’s heart” and “our own desire” in our emotional level.
・To build “real relationship with God” we must approach Him in our “spiritual level”. [John 4:24,ⅠCorinthians6:17]
◆Grow in the relationship with God.
・There are 2 key factors to grow in “the relationship with God”. ①Spiritual food.(God’s Words) and ②Faith(To
surrender yourself to God). And they are based on “our desperation towards God’s goodness”.
・We have to “be ourselves” to walk by the Spirit and “be aware of what the Spirit is doing” around us. Be
sensitive to “tiny whisper” above our 5 senses and obey that “whisper” by faith. [ⅡCorinthians5:7] Do not be
afraid of “being different from others”. Think of Christ who lived his life in the same way!
✰Challenge for this week: Sharpen your spiritual sense!
*Today’s key words: “CHITEKI”(Intellectual), “KANJOUTEKI”(Emotional), “REITEKI”(Spiritual).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①In which level do you tend to seek “God’s will” or “His guidance”?
②What are “2 key factors” to build “real relationship with God”? Are you keen to pursue it?
③What can you do to grow “intimacy with God” in your daily life?