
説教あらすじ      「忍耐の源」      (19/11/2023)

[へブル人への手紙 10章32~39節]



 ・私たちはこのNZや日本にあってはこのような「肉体的な試練」に直面することはあまりないが、霊的には「神か らしか受けることのできない祝福」というものを受け取り損ねているかもしれない。私たちが「神のわざを待ち切れ ないで、つい人間的な解決の方法に甘んじてしまう」のは、大きな『霊的損失』と言える。 <イェジュの証し>


 ・私たちの真の必要は「物や出来事(神のわざ)」ではなく、「神が顧みてくださっている」という内面的な確信。「試練そのもの」ではなく、その中で私たちをご自身の勝利に招き入れてくださる主イエスにしっかり結ばれいるべきである。[ヨハネ16:33b] 神が、時には私たちの祈りに応えて物質的な祝福を与え、時には祈りの答えを遅らせて私たちに試練を通らせるのは、どちらも私たちをご自分のみそばへと引き寄せるためなのである。[へブル12:7-8]

✰今週のチャレンジ: あなたの真の希望はどこにありますか?





Outline of the sermon      “Source of endurance.”      (19/11/2023)

[Hebrews 103239]

Our struggle.(Verses 32~35)

 ・In those days Jewish Christians were facing persecutions from Jews as well as Roman Empires.  There were

  lots of struggles, but it also strengthened their bonding with each other.  Fortunately (or unfortunately) we are

  not experiencing persecutions “physically”.  Yet, what about “spiritually”?  Is our “spiritual bonding” with

  God and one another growing?  Do we endure to “listen to God” in our prayers?  <Yaeju’s testimony>

What is “indispensable” for our faith(Verses 36~39)

 ・We often seek “things or events” in our prayers.  In fact, we are “not” needing these but “confidence of

  God’s presence in our lives”.  “Hardship itself” is not really matter but “how we respond to it” does! Jesus

  encouraged us “to be abided in his victory”. [John16:33b]  God sometimes provides our needs right away, but

  other times He delays answering our prayers and allows us to go through hardships.  In both ways God is

  treating us as His real sons and daughters![Hebrews12:7-8]

Challenge for this week Where do you put your “eternal hope”

Todays key words:HAKUGAI”(Persecution), “SHIREN”(Tribulation), “NINTAI”(Endurance).

Questions to ponder on:

 ①We are not experiencing “persecution” physically.  But what kind of “spiritual struggles” do we have?

 ②Remember “Yaeju’s testimony”.  What kind of “struggle” and “victory” did she experience?

 ③Now what is “indispensable” for our lives on the earth as “children of God”?


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