
説教あらすじ   「聖書・キリスト・そして聖霊」   (01/01/2023)







✰今週のチャレンジ: 聖霊に導かれたら、迷わず従おうとしていますか?





Outline of the sermon      “Bible, Christ and the Spirit.”    (01/01/2023)

What does the Bible talk about

  ・First of all the Bible talks about “who ‘God’ is”.  And it talks about “who ‘human being’ is”.  Then it (mainly

    in New Testament) describes about “Jesus, the Son of God” as the mediator between God and people.

Christ = the Word of God.

  ・Jesus came to the earth not only as the mediator but also to reveal us “who God is” and “who we really are”. 

   Jesus is referred to “the Word of God” because he had the same purpose as “the Bible” has.

  ・We are able to fulfill “God’s Word” by following the life of Christ.  Not by our own strength but by “the Spirit”. 

   By the power of the Spirit, we may be free from the power of “the law”. [ⅡCorinthians 3:6,Romans 8:3-4]

  ・Let’s walk “in Christ” this year of 2023 by ①longing for the life of Christ, ②waiting upon the guidance of the

   Spirit, and ③following the Spirit without hesitation!

Challenge for this weekAre you willing to do what the Spirit guide you to do?


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