説教あらすじ 「孤立はダメ!」 (10/07/2022)
[マルコ 14:10~16]
・皆「年に1度の過越の食事」を楽しみにしていた。それはイエスも同じ [ルカ22:14-15]。
・人が誰かにつまずく(この場合はユダがイエスに)時、ほとんどの場合その原因は『誤解』(コミュニケーション不足)。自分を閉ざしてはならない。私たちは『神の家族』。そして『家族』は「喜びも苦しみも共有する」ための共同体。[箴言17:17] 喜びは分かち合うと倍増し、苦しみは半減する。
✰今日のみことば: 箴言 17章17節
③あなたは『心の葛藤』を分かち合える人がいますか? また、あなたを必要としている人が周囲にいませんか?
Outline of the sermon “Do not isolate yourself!” (10/07/2022)
[Mark 14:10~16]
◆What happened before “the last supper”?(Remember the story from last week!)
・While disciples were preparing “Passover meal” (which was going to be “the Last Supper”), Judas was preparing to betray Jesus. What a contrast! Jesus was really looking forward to this special meal with his followers. [Luke22:14-15]
◆The importance of “Sharing”.
・One of the reasons Judas betrayed Jesus could be because he never shared his thoughts or heart to others.
We are chosen by God to be “a family in Christ” and family are “to Share”. [Proverbs 17:17] When we share,
our joy gets doubled and pain becomes halved.
・Satan aims at those who are isolated. So please make sure that you are not isolated from others, and also
look around and approach someone who seems to be isolated!
✰Verse for this week: Proverbs 17: 17.