
説教あらすじ      「イエス・キリストは神の子か?」   (21/08/2022)

[マルコ 14:53~65]

◆なぜイエスは死刑に定められたのか? [60~64節]









✰今日のみことば: ヨハネの福音書 20章31節



 ②「自分は神の子だ」と言う人の3つの可能性は? イエスに関してこの3つの可能性を吟味してみましょう。


Outline of the sermon      “Is Jesus really the Son of God?”    (21/08/2022)

[Mark 14:53~65]

Blasphemy. [Verses 60~64]

 ・Jesus kept being silent but he couldn’t remain silent to the high priest’s last question and his answer determined

   to put him to death. [Leviticus 24:16]  The Jews’ real motivation to kill Jesus was something else but they hid

   it in order to protect themselves.  Aren’t we also trying to pretend that we are innocent? [ⅠJohn1:8-9]

Is Jesus really “Son of God”

  ・When someone says he is “Son of God”, there are 3 possibilities.

   ①He is telling a lie.  ②He is mad.  ③He is telling a truth.

  ・There is no way to say, “Jesus is a good person but not the Son of God”.  Unless he was who he said, he was

    either liar or mad man!  Yes, he is truly “the Son of God” and he can save us from all our sins!

Verse for this weekJohn 20: 31.


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