説教あらすじ 「それぞれの応答」 (03/07/2022)
[マルコ 14:1~9]
◆イエスの評価 [8~9節]
・また、私たちの『信仰』は「愛の道を通って」表現されるべき。[ガラテヤ5:6] 私たちはつい「何が正しいか」という測りで測ってしまいがちだが、イエスは別のものさしを持っておられる。
✰今日のみことば: コロサイ人への手紙 3章23節
②なぜ弟子たちは、女の行動の価値を理解できなかったのでしょう? 私たちを真理から阻むものは何ですか?
Outline of the sermon “Various responses to Jesus.” (03/07/2022)
[Mark 14:1~9]
◆Each of us is driven by different motivation.
・Priests & scribes were driven by jealousy of Jesus. [Verses 1-2] Disciples were driven by progress of their
ministry. [Verses 3-5] So neither of them understood who Jesus really was and what he was going to do.
・Only this woman, who poured the ointment seemed to understand what Jesus was about to do. Our response
toward Jesus completely changes when we realize who Jesus really is.
◆Jesus valued her. [Verses 8-9]
・Jesus doesn’t expect the same response from every one of us. He just wants to see what each of us can
offer to him. An offer from someone may look odd to the other. Also every response should be expressed by
“faith” through the way of “love”. [Galatians 5:6] Because God always see our heart rather than what we do.
✰Verse for this week: Colossians 3: 23.