説教あらすじ 「目を覚ましていなさい」 (01/05/2022)
[マルコ 13:32~37]
◆『その時』は、イエスも知らない [32~33節]
◆私たちは「何を」待つのか? [36~37節] (イエスは「すべての人に」言っている!)
・使徒パウロでさえ「『その日』は自分が地上にいる間に来るに違いない」と思っていた。それが何故まだ来ないのか?その理由を知る手掛かりも、やはりみことばの中にある。[Ⅰテモテ2:4,Ⅱペテロ3:9] では、遅ければ遅いほど良いのでは? ⇒ 結婚式を先延ばしにしたい新郎新婦はいない!
✰今日のみことば: ピリピ人への手紙 3章20節
②何故「世の終わり」がなかなか起こらないのでしょう? またその理由についてあなたはどう思いますか?
Outline of the sermon “Stay awake!” (01/05/2022)
[Mark 13:32~37]
◆No one knows when “the time” will come. [Verses 32~33]
・Many foretold about “the end time” but none of them fulfilled. Why? Because Jesus said no one knew it.
Neither himself! Probably Jesus wants to wait upon “the day” together with us. His desire is always “to be
with us emotionally as well as spiritually.
◆What are we waiting for? [Verses 36~37] (Jesus was saying to “us all”!)
・Paul was thinking that “the day” would come during his lifetime. Why doesn’t it happen yet? The reason is
in the Bible. [ⅠTimothy 2:4,ⅡPeter 3:9]
・When we talk about “the end day”, we tend to think of “events”. In fact, what we should be waiting for is not
“an event” but “the one who come back to meet us as our bridegroom”. So let’s stay awake for him!
✰Verse for this week: Philippians 3: 20.