説教あらすじ 「真打ち・キリスト」 (24/04/2022)
[マルコ 13:24~31]
◆終わりに起こること [24~27節]
・「真の神を知らない人々が拝んでいた(希望を置いていた)もの」がことごとく崩れ去る。[24~25節] その時、真の権威を持つ『人の子(キリスト)』が「神の栄光」に満ちて現れる。[26~27節] その場面に居合わせる『選ばれた者たち』は歓喜の声を上げるに違いない!使徒パウロはこの時の様子を思い浮かべて、次のように書いている。[Ⅰテサロニケ4:16-17]
◆『その日』を迎える心構え [28~31節]
✰今日のみことば: コロサイ人への手紙 3章16節
③「決して消え去ることがないもの」は何ですか? どのようにそれらに根差して生きることができるでしょう?
Outline of the sermon “Christ, the Headliner.” (24/04/2022)
[Mark 13:24~31]
◆Christ comes with glory. [Verses 24~27]
・All the temporary (which looked like permanent) will come to the end, then Christ comes back with his glory.
All “the elect” will shout to him with ultimate joy! Paul described this in his letter. [ⅠThessalonians 4:16-17]
◆Wait upon “the day” with everlasting Words. [Verses 28~31]
・These are the things will happen in the very end of the world. In other words, the end will never come until
they will happen. So we are not yet coming to the end of the world. Let not your hearts be troubled.
・Jesus said “heaven and earth pass away”, so those who say “this earth will become like heaven” are all wrong!
Only thing lasts forever is “His Word”. So let us cling to “His Words” daily so that we won’t be shaken by
temporary things of the world but will meet Christ when he calls us by name!
✰Verse for this week: Colossians 3: 16.