説教あらすじ 「終わりの日の『十字架と復活』」 (17/04/2022)
[マルコ 13:14~23]
◆終わりの日の苦難 [14~19(22)節]
◆神の憐れみと真実 [20節]
✰今日のみことば: ヨハネの福音書 20章21節
②自分が「選ばれた者だ」という自覚はありますか? その自覚はあなたの日々の歩みにどう影響していますか?
Outline of the sermon “‘Cross & Resurrection’ at the end days.” (17/04/2022)
[Mark 13:14~23]
◆Tribulation at the end days. [Verses 14~19(22)]
・At the end of days Satan gets even more active to lead us, the elect, astray. It will be harder to refuse his
temptations as the environment comes against our faith walk. How can we stand firm in such time like that!?
Only by trusting God’s promise and His faithfulness. He will never let you down!
◆God’s mercy & faithfulness. [Verse 20]
・God has already “shortened” the period of tribulation for us, the elect. God cares us more than anything!
How can we respond to His goodness like this? By trusting Him and share this good news to as many people
as possible. God even showed “the vision of end days” to Daniel more than 2500 years ago! [Daniel12:1-4]
・Jesus trusted the Father until 『Cross & Resurrection』. So let’s follow his example and win the victory!
✰Verse for this week: John 20: 21.