説教あらすじ 「最も大切な戒め」 (06/03/2022)
[マルコ 12:28~34]
◆最も大切な戒め (長くない箇所だし、重要な内容なので、1節ずつ詳しく見てみよう)
◆『神の国』に入るには? [32~34節]
✰今日のみことば: マルコの福音書 12章33節
①イエスは律法学者の質問にどう答えましたか? またその答えにはどういう意味が込められているでしょう?
③あなたにとって、「すべてを尽くして神を愛する」とは、どのようなことですか? 互いに分かち合いましょう。
Outline of the sermon “The most important commandment.” (06/03/2022)
[Mark 12:28~34]
◆The most important commandment.
・Jesus replied to this question with no hesitation. His answer was none of “behavioral commandments” but
“relational” which shows that all of right behaviors come from “right relationship with God”. As long as we are
in “right relationship with God”, our “relationship with others” will be fixed and restored. [ⅠJohn 4:19-21]
◆How shall we enter into “the kingdom of God”? [Verses 32~34]
・This guy is a little different from others who came to talk to Jesus before him, and he responded wisely to the
answer of Jesus. Then Jesus told him, “you are not far from the kingdom of God”. So he was “almost ready”
to enter into the kingdom. He was short of only 2 things. ①Redemption work of Jesus. ②Not just
“knowledge about God” but “coming to God by faith”. And these two are necessary for all of us!
✰Verse for this week: Mark 12: 33.