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説教あらすじ     「人こそ神の手段である」    (09/10/2022)

[マルコ 16:9~20]







✰今日のみことば: 歴代誌 第2.16章9節 前半



 ②福音宣教における『しるし』の意義は? 今日私たちの周囲であまり『しるし』が見られないのは何故でしょう?

 ③神は「どのような人」を求めておられますか? あなたがそのような人になるために足りないものは何ですか?

Outline of the sermon    “We are God’s instruments!”  (09/10/2022)

[Mark 16:9~20]

The Gospel.(Verses 15~16)

  ・“Gospel” is “Good News”!  We should make this known to everyone.  No exceptions!

  ・“Salvation” requires individual’s response of “faith”.  God makes no change to our lives without agreement.

Accompanying signs.(Verses 17~20)

  ・Many Christians stick to these “signs” but [verse 20] is more important!  Jesus longs to work “with us” and

   he “confirms his message” by signs.  He wants to prove that “he is faithful” and “all he promised are true”!

  ・We don’t really understand the importance of “Gods Words”.  His Word reveals “His heart.  That’s why

   Jesus wants us to pass that message correctly to people so that he may confirm it with his power on the earth. 

   Jesus is looking for “his people” who understand this and commit themselves to this mission!

Verse for this weekChronicles 16: 9a.


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