説教あらすじ 「子どものように」 (31/10/2021)
[マルコ 10:13~16]
・ダビデは「子供のように」神に対して率直に心の思いを打ち明けることができた。[詩篇109:6~12] 彼は、「自分は神の前に100%受け入れられている」という確信をもって、何の不安もなく自分自身をさらけ出したのである。
◆「子供のように」神の国を受け入れる [15節]
✰今日のキーワード: さらけ出す
①弟子たちが子供を追い払おうとしたのは何故でしょう? またイエスはどうしてそれを止めたのだと思いますか?
③神の前に自分自身を「さらけ出す」ために障害となっているものは何ですか? 互いに分かち合ってみましょう。
Outline of the sermon “Become like a little child.” (31/10/2021)
[Mark 10:13~16]
◆Characteristic of a little child.
・“Little child” is unreserved and persistent. They are open, bold and pure. And all these characters please
God. King David had a heart like this before God and built an intimate relationship with God. [Psalm109:6~12]
◆Receive the kingdom of God like “a little child”. [Verse 15]
・These children bothered disciples but not Jesus. Why? We, adults, have things to protect such as tidiness,
pride, efficiency and so on. We care these things, or we can’t catch up with life in this world. [Romans12:2]
Whereas Jesus did not care such things. He was ready to take risks from the beginning of his life so nothing
could really bother him. And because he did not even spare his life, we are now completely accepted by God
as we are. So why don’t we come boldly before God today “as a little child”!
✰Key word for this week: Disclose.