説教あらすじ 「試練のもたらすもの」 (11/08/2019)
◆『神の子』は試練を経験する [マタイ4:1]
・イエスは「御霊に導かれて」試練の現場へ ⇒ 「神のみこころに従っていれば、試練は無いはず」は誤り。
①私たちの内面を鍛えるため [ヘブル12:5-8,ローマ5:3-5]
✰今日の大切なひと言: 「試練の中で、もっと主と近くなれる」
Outline of the sermon “What the trials bring to us.” (11/08/2019)
◆ “Children of God” go through temptations (trials). [Matthew 4:1]
・Jesus was led into the trials “by the Spirit”. ⇒ It is wrong to say, “no hardships as long as following God”.
◆God lets us go through hardships because He loves His children so much.
①To train us inwardly. [Hebrews12:5-8,Romans 5:3-5]
②To draw us closer to Himself.
・There are some of “God’s Works” we can only experience in the midst of hardships. [Hebrews 2:18]
*We do not have to win the battle ourselves. There is the only one “Conqueror”[Jesus] for us![John16:33]
The only thing we need to do is to trust Jesus and remain in him. [ⅠJohn 5:4-5]
・Some people think that faith brings us “earthly blessings”. In fact it is easier to live without faith. [ⅡTimothy 3:12]
But faith gives us strength to stand on the promise that Jesus never leaves us. [Matthew 28:20,Hebrews13:5]
✰The word for this week: God draws us closer to Him through hardships.