
説教あらすじ         「真理による自由」        (07/07/2019)

◆『真理』の性質 (「御霊による知恵」 ≒ 『真理』)

[Ⅰテモテ2:4]: 私たちは『真理(御霊による知恵)』を知るために救われた



・この『真理』に導かれた歩みの模範 = イエス・キリストの人生。[ヨハネ14:6]

◆真理(御子イエス)による自由 [ヨハネ8:31-36] ― 3つの分野において

①固定観念からの自由   ②「人の目」からの自由  (①⇒②の順)


③世の欲からの自由 [Ⅰコリント13:10], (マタイ13章にある「天の御国のたとえ」)


✰今日の大切なひと言: 「『真理』を知るごとに、『自由』にされていく。」


Outline of the sermon       “Freedom by the Truth.”      (07/07/2019)

◆Characteristic of “the Truth”. (“Wisdom of the Spirit” ≒ “Truth”)

[ⅠTimothy 2:4]: We are saved to know “the Truth (Wisdom of the Spirit)”!

・This “Truth” is different from “principles” which can be in common use for any circumstances.  This is to be

“revealed” uniquely by the Spirit in each occasion, so be aware of God’s presence all the time!

・Perfect example of “walking in the Truth” = Life of Jesus Christ. [John14:6]

◆Freedom by “the Truth(Jesus)”. [John 8:31-36] ― In 3 areas.

Freedom from your fixed idea.   Freedom from “peer pressure”.  (① precedes ②)

・God transforms us from Values of this world to “His kingdom value” which liberates us from fear of men.

Freedom from worlds desires. [ⅠCorinthians13:10], (Refer to Matthew chapter13, “Parable of heaven”)

・Many are losing in this battle for they do not have enough knowledge of “Truth(which completely satisfy us).

The word for this weekAs we grow in “Truth” we get more “freedom”.


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