説教あらすじ 「『悔い改め』がもたらすもの」 (28/07/2019)
◆悔い改めと罪の赦し(4節) ― 『罪人』に求められる「悔い改め」
・『悔い改め(メタノイア)』 = 方向転換。 ・『罪(ハマルティア)』 = 神とのズレ。
◆罪からの解放 ― 『神の子』に求められる「悔い改め」
✰今日の大切なひと言: 「主イエスが見ているものを見つける。」
Outline of the sermon “What repentance brings.” (28/07/2019)
◆Repentance & Forgiveness of sins.(Verse 4) ― Repentance for “Sinners”.
・“Repentance” = Change of direction. ・“Sin” = Missing direction to God.
God forgives our sins and makes us His children when we change our direction from “ignoring God” to
“recognizing God as the Lord and Savior of our lives”.
・In following chapter of Mark’s gospel a paralytic was brought to Jesus by his friends. Then Jesus saw their
faith and said, “your sins are forgiven”. This story also tells us that forgiveness of sins does not come from
“our work of compensation” but by “faith” (to repent and return to God).
◆Release from sins ― Repentance for “children of God”.
・If “forgiveness of sins” comes from repentance, how does “release from sins” happen to us? In fact this
also comes from “repentance” as ‘children of God’.
・How is “the life completely released from sins” like? It is exactly what “Christ Jesus lived” on the earth.
We can never walk with Jesus if we are just looking at him. We must look “what Jesus is looking at”.
・If we remain in “Father’s house” as we learned last week, Jesus gradually reveals us what he is looking at.
It requires us “new level of repentance” as children of God. So seek our Lord Jesus with asking him,
“Show me what you are looking at right now!”.
✰The word for this week: Look for what Jesus is looking at.