説教あらすじ 「時間の優れた使い方」 (31/03/2019)
①「この世の営み」から離れる時間を作る ②「神のことば」を慕い求め、分かったことに従う
◆「神を見る者」は誰か? [マタイ5:8,ヘブル12:14]
✰今日の大切なひと言: この世の誘いを断って、主イエス(神のことば)とデートする。
Outline of the sermon “Better way to spend our time.” (31/03/2019)
◎ 2 good ways to build “deeper relationship with the Spirit(Jesus)”.
①Set aside time to be separated from our daily routine. ②Seek “God’s Word” and follow what it says.
◆Who will see God? [Matthew 5:8,Hebrews12:14]
・Greek word for “Holy” does not mean “sinless” but “be separated”. To live holy life we should stop being
“noncommittal between God’s kingdom and this world” and commit ourselves only to Christ.
・Let us “be separated” from things like laptops, smart phones, TV games just for an hour a day and seek God!
◆Jesus “reveals himself” to us. [John14:21]
・Obedience is not “to be saved” but “to prove our love for God”. Don’t you want to fulfill your lover’s wishes?
・God’s Word(Christ) = God’s will. Jesus wants us to be obedient to God’s Words so that we may know him
better and our lives may be abundant in his riches.
✰The word for this week: Reject temptation from the world and hang around with Jesus(God’s Word).