
説教あらすじ        「深みに漕ぎ出す」       (24/03/2019)

◆深みに漕ぎ出す [ルカ5:1-6]







①聖書をたくさん読む  ②聖書をじっくりと読む  ③みことばを暗唱する  これらはどれも役に立つ。



✰今日の大切なひと言: もう1歩を踏み出してみよう!


Outline of the sermon     “Go out into deep water.     (24/03/2019)

◆Go out into deep water. [Luke 5:1-6]

・It doesn’t mean that you should go somewhere unfamiliar and do preaching.  For Peter this lake was part of

his “everyday life”.  It challenges us to go one step further than normal in our daily life.

・We tend to make excuses like, “I’m not in that kind of mood” or “I’ve never done that before!”.  These are all

what Peter could have said.  Instead, he obeyed what Jesus said and experienced a miracle.

◆Get close to God’s Words.

・One of the best way to build “closer relationship with the Spirit” is “to get close to Gods Words”.

①Read the Bible more.  ②Read the Bible deeper.  ③Do memory verses.  These are all helpful.

・More Words of God you gain, more “ways of approach” the Spirit finds in you.

   Get closer to Gods Words, and go into deep water by faith

The word for this weekTry one step further


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