説教あらすじ 「乳飲み子を持つ母親のように」 (17/03/2019)
◆『内なる御霊』とはどういう方か? ― 良いニュースと悪いニュースがある。
悲しむ。[エペソ4:30] だからこそ、気付くのに遅すぎたり、無視し続けたりしないで!
✰今日の大切なひと言: 御霊は『人格』。放っておかないで!
Outline of the sermon “Like a mum who has a baby.” (17/03/2019)
◆Who is “the Spirit” like? ― There are “a good news” and “a bad news”.
Good news: Spirit of God is so gentle that He never forces us anything.
Bad news: Spirit of God never works according to our convenience. ⇒ A little like a baby for his/her mum.
◆Things to be aware if you want to walk closely with the Spirit.
① Keep experiencing.(You can make mistakes.)
・Learn and remember how the Spirit reveals himself to you. He knows how you would find him.
② Be flexible.
・The Spirit is not “principle” but “personality”. So be watchful.
③ Commitment.(He is your top priority!)
・Because He has a personality, you can grieve Him by letting Him wait too long![Ephesians 4:30]
✰The word for this week: The Spirit has “personality”, so do not leave Him alone!