説教あらすじ 「イエスと 神の御霊」 (10/03/2019)
スの本質」でもあると言える。[ヨハネ14:16-17,16:14] この方を「イエス様」と呼んでも「聖霊様」と呼んでも問題ではない。
✰今日の大切なひと言: 私たちの『信仰生活』とは、「内なる御霊との関係を深めるプロセス」のこと。
Outline of the sermon “Jesus & the Spirit of God.” (10/03/2019)
◆Jesus is “A True Man”.
・Jesus was “a human” from his head to his toes. He performed no miracles until he was anointed by the Spirit
when he got baptized. God’s joy was exploded when He poured His Spirit to Jesus. The same thing happens
when He pours the same Spirit on each one of us. This is what God had been desiring for!
◆Who is living within us?
・It is God’s Spirit who made Jesus as “true Son of God”. And the same Spirit living within us. So it doesn’t
really matter whether we call Him “Jesus” or “the Spirit”. [John14:16-17,16:14]
・We are “children of God” because of “the One within us”, not because “our behaviors look like Jesus’”!
We are transformed into His likeness not by our own strength but by “the Spirit”. [Romans 8:14-15,ⅡCorinthians 3:17-18]
・Our Father’s desire for us is to “Watch always the One He poured within us and enjoy living with Him”.
✰The word for this week: Our “Christian life” is the process of “making relationship with the Spirit closer”.