説教あらすじ 「ヨセフの生涯に学ぶ(3)」 (03/02/2019)
✰今日の大切なひと言: 神は人を「用いる」前に、まず人を「造る」。
Outline of the sermon “Learn from Joseph’s life (3).” (03/02/2019)
◆Chosen to be “A Blessing for Others”.
・After lots of trials and hardships Joseph was set on a big position in Egypt. It was, however, not to misuse the authority but to carry out a huge job God entrusted to him. He needed to keep asking more wisdom of God.
・Please note: Whenever God chooses people, He chooses them to “be a blessing for others”. [Genesis12:1-3]
◆Serve one another.
・God is not calling us to “achieve something for ourselves” but to “serve one another”. [Matthew 20:25-28]
God can entrust us nothing until we really learn it. So be patient until God finishes His work inside us. [ⅠPeter 5:5b-6]
*God is seeking not “your abilities or skills to carry out events”,
but seeking “You as a whole to express people His incomparable love and power”.
✰The word for this week: God “molds” us before He “uses” us.