説教あらすじ 「ヨセフの生涯に学ぶ(4)」 (10/02/2019)
◆神が栄光を現される [創世記50:15-20]
・神は、ご自身の栄光を『人』を通して現される。[イザヤ43:7] しかし「ご自分の栄光を奪う者」を用いることはで
✰今日の大切なひと言: 神は私たちが『自分』を明け渡して招きに応じるのを待っておられる。
Outline of the sermon “Learn from Joseph’s life (4).” (10/02/2019)
◆God reveals His glory. [Genesis 50:15-20]
・When their father died, Joseph’s brothers were afraid if Joseph would revenge them. Joseph, however, was
transformed by God into a very humble person. This is why God was able to use him for His glory.
・God created “His people” for His glory. [Isaiah 43:7] But He cannot use those who “steal His glory”.
◆God is looking for “People”.
・God is NOT looking for “timing” or “circumstance” but always looking for (Spirit-led) “People”.
・God is hoping to use everyone for His glory and inviting each one of us for His Work. Yet there are too little to
respond His calling with his/her heart humble and surrendered.
✰The word for this week: God is waiting for us surrendering “ourselves” and respond to Him.