説教あらすじ 「ヨセフの生涯に学ぶ(1)」 (13/01/2019)
◆『夢見る者』 ヨセフ [創世記37:5-11]
◆聖霊による幻 [使徒2:16-17] ― ペンテコステの日のペテロの証言
・神は「夢を与え」「人を育て」『実現へと導く』 ⇒ すべての『先入観』を捨てて、神の計画を求めよう!
✰今日の大切なひと言: 神の計画は「良い考え」ではなく『信じられないような夢』の形でやってくる。
Outline of the sermon “Learn from Joseph’s life (1).” (13/01/2019)
◆Joseph, “the dreamer”. [Genesis 37:5-11]
・God’s plan is often revealed in forms of dream or vision to us as they are bigger than our thoughts. God used dreams for
Joseph because the Holy Spirit hadn’t been poured on people. Those around Joseph persecuted him because they didn’t
understand that the dreams were from God. Don’t be surprised if people do the same to you!
・This generation is too convenient and foreseeing to dream “dreams”. It is a big danger for us, Christians.
We need to receive “Dreams & Visions” from God but we are almost “brainwashed” by this world!
◆Spirit-given Visions. [Acts 2:16-17] ― From Peter’s witness on the day of Pentecost.
・One of the significant work of God’s Spirit is to pour “visions & dreams”. They are not just “good ideas” but
‘unpredictable’ and requires ‘radical faith’[Luke1:45].
・God “gives a dream”, “raises people” and “fulfills His plans”. So submit yourself to His ultimate plan!
✰The word for this week: God’s plan comes to us not in a form of “a good idea” but of “an incredible dream”.