
説教あらすじ      Make disciples!①」     (27/05/2018)

◆主権者による任命 [マタイ28:18-20]


られた。そのイエスが私たちに命じられたのが、「行ってあらゆる国の人々を弟子とする」 こと。









◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [マタイの福音書 28章19節前半]


Outline of the sermon        Make disciples!①       (27/05/2018)

◆Appointed by the supreme authority. [Matthew 28:18-20]

・The Father has given His only Son who were obedient till his death “all authority in heaven and on earth”.

Now this Jesus, the supreme authority, ordered us “to go and make disciples”.  So please receive this

“appointment from the supreme authority” seriously and learn well what he really wants us to do. [John15:16]

◆What is Jesus expecting from us?

・Jesus has chosen us not “just to believe in him” or “to study hard his words”, but “to bear and grow life”.

・We can experience the presence of Jesus when we follow him whatever he tells us to do even though it seems

impossible to us.  This is just like the life Jesus lived on the earth, and he won his Father’s complete trust.

“A memory verse” for this week [Matthew 28: 19a]


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