説教あらすじ 「『神のもの』として生きる」 (16/09/2018)
「『信仰』によって生きる」ということ ― これこそ、イエス・キリストが地上の生涯において示された『生きる姿勢』
◆神を喜ばせるもの[30節] ― 彼らはどういう点で「信仰が薄かった」のか?
⇒ 「だから、神の国とその義とをまず第1に求めなさい」。 これが主イエスからのチャレンジ!
◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [ヘブル人への手紙 11章6節]
Outline of the sermon “Live as God’s own.” (16/09/2018)
[Matthew 6:25-34]
*These verses don’t mean like, “We have no part to play because God does everything”, but rather mean, “Do
not try to play God’s part but concentrate on playing your own part”. Then what is “our part to play”?
・Our part to play is “To live by Faith”. ― This is what Christ showed us as “a living example” on the earth.
“Live as Christ lived” is not about “his character” or “his action” but “dependence on his Father with love”.
◆What pleases God? = “Our faith”. [Verse 30] ― Why were they “of little faith”?
① We don’t really believe that “God is our good Father”. ② We cannot give up what this world offers us.
⇒ Therefore Jesus is challenging us! “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness”.
・We can’t please God with our “flattery” but He wants us to believe that “He knows the best of all and willing to do it for us”.
◆“A memory verse” for this week: [Hebrews 11: 6]