説教あらすじ 「祈りとは?」 (26/08/2018)
◎祈りとは「神との会話」である。 ― 関係の成長と共に内容も変化する。(「自分中心」から「神中心」へ)
・賛美と礼拝で始まる。[9節] ・御国の支配を求める。[10節] ・神への依存を表明する。[11節]
・罪の赦しの宣言。[12節] ・神の主権を再確認する。[13節]
◆神と心を1つにする[マタイ6:14-15] ― 「罪の赦しの条件」ではない!
◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [テサロニケ人への手紙 第1.5章17節]
Outline of the sermon “What is ‘prayer’?” (26/08/2018)
◆What is “prayer”?[Matthew 6:6-8]
◎We communicate with God in prayer. ― Level of relationship determines its contents.
(From “self-centered” to “God-centered”.)
◆Prayer guideline.[Matthew 6:9-13]
・Start with “praise & worship”.[Verse 9] ・Seek dominion of God.[Verse 10] ・Express dependence on God.
[Verse 11] ・Declare forgiveness.[Verse 12] ・Confess God’s supreme authority over all the earth.[Verse 13]
*Do not forget this; “our prayer is built on the relationship”. Satan interrupts it because he knows this very well.
◆Unity with God.[Matthew 6:14-15] ― This is not talking about “condition of God’s forgiveness”!
・Jesus knew that we could never live in unity with God without “forgiving sins”.
Through praying with the guideline above we may be transformed into “life with God” day by day.
◆“A memory verse” for this week: [ⅠThessalonians 5: 17]