
説教あらすじ         「神に近づきなさい!」        (12/08/2018)


・マタイの福音書5章後半でイエスが提示された「神の国の義の基準」は恐ろしく高い。[マタイ5:20, 48]









◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [ヤコブの手紙 4章8節]


Outline of the sermon        Come near to God       (12/08/2018)

◆Standard of God’s righteousness.

・Jesus pointed “standard of God’s righteousness” in Matthew chapter 5.  It’s extremely high. [Matthew 5:20, 48]

Why did Jesus show this to those who are even struggling “standard of the teachers of the law”?

   ① Because the teachers of the law are seeking “righteousness” in totally wrong way.

   ② To show us that we may not come near to God by observing the law, but we may fulfill the law by coming near to God.

◆Come near to God.

・We think our “action” or “result” matters.  In fact, “achievement” doesn’t really matter but “direction” does.

・If you come closer to God, you’ll love Him and want to follow Him more.  “Relationship” always comes first!

・Who God is seeking is not “disciplined child” but “the ones who stay with Him”.  Therefore, He invites us through “the cross”.

If you say, “I’ll come to meet God when I become a better person”, you are completely misunderstanding His heart

“A memory verse” for this week [James 4: 8]


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